Thursday, March 27, 2008

Nilai Sebuah Keluarga

Family is important to us. Everybody have their own family in this world which they have their parents. Father and mother are the basic of a family, and then it’s completed with having one or more children. Some people thought that there will be happy family with having many children.
But, nowadays parents are preferred to have only a few children. It could be single or a pair but not more than three children. It is because most of them have their own carrier to focus on, which mom and dad are working. So, they cannot spend more time with their children. Besides that, it does not need much money or higher cost of life in having just a few member of family. The children of small family always have enough needs and good condition of life or in other word, they are wealthy. This is especially for single child who do not need to share their stuffs, toys and everything with his or her other siblings.
Actually, in having a child, parents must give more attention on their child. It is because, the child does not have anyone to accompany them especially when he or she are alone. The child just have parents who persons that he or she can talk with or hearing their problem. In this case, the child’s life also always has been controlled with their parents. Parents want their child get the best in their life.
There is still having some parents who wants a lot of children. For example myself, I have 8 siblings and it is a wonderful family that I ever had. It is a perfect family with having a big family. It is because, the children have their own character and attitude. So, it is wonderful family when all the children regroup or together come back to village especially in big ceremony such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Here we can see a lot of characters of the children. Even though, in having many siblings, they must share their stuffs, needs and even their clothes. When I was in primary and secondary school, I just used my sisters and brother books. Now, my little sister is still using these books. Besides that, we can ensure that our keturunan still appear in this world. Parents also will be proud of us when all their children success in their life.